giovedì 28 gennaio 2016

Lecture 2

date: 28 January 2016 tutor: Alessandro Memo
  1. Lesson 2: Brick I/O (completion)
    • the LED under the bottons, the command (summary)
    • the speaker, commands to generate tone, notes and sound files (summary)
    • how to use EV3Explorer to upload the programs on the brick
  2. Lesson 3: Motors (presentation ppt, see materials)
    • parameters: speed vs power, how the motor controller keeps constant speed or power
    • parameters: blocking vs returning, wait for the end of the command or return the control immediately to the next instruction
    • parameters: control of the different speeds of two motors
    • parameters: acceleration, running, deceleration
    • example: up and down arm (5 mins)
    • example: move straight 50 cm (10 mins)
    • comment of a proposed solution of the previous example 7, the geometry of the robot, angular speed (degree) approach vs time approach; the sections of a good program, initial commenting section, variable initialization section, main section
    • challenge: take an object at 40 cm (15 mins)
    • example: sequence; comment of a proposed solution introducing the subroutines, global variables, particular functionality of the subroutines in EV3Basic
    • turning movement using only one motor
    • turning movement on the place using two motors
    • turning movement of different angles using two motors
    • example: turn right 90 degrees, on the place (5 mins)
    • comment of a proposed solution of the previous example 10, self evaluation of the parameters
    • challenge: squared path (15 mins)
Comments: Good interaction and partecipation, good results. Most of the students have send their photo (as requested) while all the students have proposed their blog. To evaluate. Time schedule respected.

venerdì 22 gennaio 2016

per la lezione del 28 Gennaio

ATTENZIONE a tutti gli studenti!
Ricordatevi che per la prossima lezione dovete:
  1. mandare una vostra foto, possibilmente aggiornata, da inserire in questo blog, al prof. Memo ( Per favore, non di dimensioni assurde (dimensioni perfette: 120 x 150 pixels)
  2. creare un blog, in uno spazio a vostra scelta, dove riportare i commenti ed i materiali della lezione precedente

Lecture 1

date: 21 January 2016 tutor: Alessandro Memo
  1. course introduction and rules
  2. Lesson 1: intro (presentation ppt, see materials)
    • installation problems (.NET framework compatibility)
    • use of SmallBasic user interface
    • description of the differences between LEGO visual programming and EV3Basic, compatibility with the LEGO brick, necessity to download the compiled program from PC to Brick. The description of the use of the utility EV3Explorer was postponed to the next lesson because the software was not already installed in the PCs.
    • comment of an easy example of the use of the conditional command (If ... Then ... Else ... EndIf)
    • exercise: show in order two strings entered by keyboard (5 mins)
    • exercise: show a comment on the temperature entered by keyboard, suggesting the use of the keyword ElseIf; the students have to discover the use of the help of the IDE(10 mins)
    • comment of a proposed solution of the previous example
    • comment of two easy examples of the use of the loop commands (For ... To ... Step ... EndFor)
  3. Lesson 2: Brick I/O (presentation ppt, see materials)
    • exercise: the display in Text Mode, sliding text (10 mins)
    • comment of a proposed solution of the previous example 2 and introduction to the program style (insertion of comments, declaration zone at the beginning of the program, indent, try changes to learn, action - reaction of a program)
    • exercise: the display in Graph Mode, a pattern with a single loop (10 mins)
    • comment of a proposed solution of the previous example 3
    • the buttons, asynchronous mode (when the moment of program's reading is different by the moment of the physical change) and synchronous mode (when the program read the current status of the buttons)
    • exercise: move the robot with the buttons
    • comment of a proposed solution of the previous example 4, two different approaches, elegance of the software
Comments: The interest and the reaction of the students to the lesson has been very good, so I have had the possibility to accelerate during the exercises, to mantein a high level of partecipation for the whole lesson. We'll see the results (remember or forgot?) in the next lesson.